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Preemio ry's rules

Preemio's activities are guided by the association's rules, the tradition guideline, the financial guidelines, and the three-year strategy.

Please note that this document is a translation of the original document. This translation is not binding; its purpose is only to explain the content of the original document. In case there is any ambiguity in the translation, please see the original document for the correct and binding expressions. The original document can be found on the Finnish website of Preemio ry.

The name of the association is Preemio ry. The association's domicile is Kuopio.

The purpose of the association is to serve as the advocacy and cooperation organization for business students at the University of Eastern Finland's Kuopio campus. Through its activities, the association aims to promote the professional knowledge of its members and foster connections with domestic and international organizations in the same field.

The association's language is Finnish, and all meeting minutes of the association must be written in Finnish. The association is entirely non-religious and politically neutral.

To achieve its purpose, the association organizes various events for its members, including professional and leisure activities, training and discussion sessions, provides study counseling, and engages in publishing and editorial work related to its field. Additionally, the association fosters connections between the business community and the University of Eastern Finland, collaborates with different student organizations, and engages in other similar activities.

To support its operations, the association collects membership fees and may receive grants, donations, and bequests. It may also organize raffles and fundraising events, subject to obtaining the necessary permissions. The association may also operate catering services at a business location and own movable and immovable property necessary for its activities.

The association's regular members can include anyone who is pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in business studies at the University of Eastern Finland's Kuopio campus and who accepts the association's purpose and rules.

Supporting members, who do not have voting rights in the association's meetings, may include individuals who are temporarily studying business at the University of Eastern Finland's Kuopio campus.

The association may, at its discretion, invite individuals who have made significant contributions to the association to become honorary members. An honorary member is invited by a decision of the association's meeting, which must be approved by at least two-thirds of the votes cast in the vote. Honorary members are not required to pay membership fees.

A membership register is maintained for the association's members.

The annual membership fee to be charged from the regular members and supporting members will be determined by the association's spring meeting.

Jäsenellä on oikeus erota yhdistyksestä ilmoittamalla siitä kirjallisesti hallitukselle tai sen puheenjohtajalle taikka ilmoittamalla erosta yhdistyksen kokouksessa merkittäväksi pöytäkirjaan.

Yhdistyksen varsinainen jäsen ja kannattajajäsen on velvollinen eroamaan lopetettuaan opiskelunsa Itä-Suomen yliopistossa Kuopion kampuksella kauppatieteiden kandidaatin tai maisterin tutkintoa varten. Hallitus voi erottaa yhdistyksen jäsenen joko määräajaksi tai kokonaan, jos hän toiminnallaan on yhdistykselle huomattavaksi vahingoksi tai jättää jäsenmaksunsa maksamatta. Jäsenellä on oikeus saattaa eroamista koskeva hallituksen päätös yhdistyksen kokouksen tutkittavaksi ilmoittamalla siitä hallituksen puheenjohtajalle 30 päivän kuluessa erottamispäätöksestä todisteellisen aineiston saatuaan.

The association holds two regular meetings annually. The spring meeting is held between January and May, and the autumn meeting is held between September and December on a date determined by the board.

The board may decide that a meeting can be attended remotely through real-time communication or other technical means. The possibility of remote participation and the method of participation must be mentioned in the meeting invitation.

An extraordinary meeting will be held if the association’s meeting decides so, or if the board deems it necessary, or if at least one-tenth (1/10) of the association’s voting members specifically requests it in writing to the board for a particular matter. The meeting must be held within thirty days of the request to the board.

In the association's meetings, each regular member has one vote. The decision of the meeting will be the opinion supported by more than half of the votes cast, unless otherwise specified in the rules. In case of a tie, the chairperson's vote will decide, except in elections, where a draw will be used.

The invitation to the association's meeting must be posted at least seven (7) days before the meeting on the association's notice board at the university or on the association's official website.


The association meetings will have a decision record, which will be signed by the meeting's chairperson, secretary, and two record inspectors selected by the meeting.


In the association's spring meeting, the following matters will be addressed:

- Opening of the meeting

- Selection of the meeting's chairperson, secretary, two record inspectors, and, if necessary, two vote counters.

- Verification of the meeting's legality and quorum.

- Approval of the meeting agenda.

- Presentation of the financial statement, annual report, and auditor's report.

- Decision on the approval of the financial statement and granting discharge of liability to the board and other responsible parties.

- Discussion of other matters mentioned in the meeting notice, including the decision on the membership fee for the following calendar year.


In the association's autumn meeting, the following matters will be addressed:

- Opening of the meeting.

- Selection of the meeting's chairperson, secretary, two record inspectors, and, if necessary, two vote counters.

- Verification of the meeting's legality and quorum.

- Approval of the meeting agenda.

- Confirmation of the action plan and budget for the following calendar year.

- Election of the board's chairperson and other members.

- Election of one auditor and one deputy auditor.

- Discussion of other matters mentioned in the meeting notice.


If a member of the association wishes to have an issue included in the agenda of the spring or autumn meeting, they must notify the board in writing well in advance so that the issue can be included in the meeting notice.


The affairs of the association are managed by the board, which consists of a president, a vice president, and at least six (6) and no more than ten (10) other regular members. The board's term is one calendar year.


If a board member resigns, is dismissed, or becomes otherwise permanently unable to serve on the board before the end of their term, a new member will be elected to fill the vacancy for the remaining term at an association meeting.


The method for selecting the board members is decided at the association's meeting before the autumn meeting, where the actual elections are held annually. The board is elected for the following calendar year.


The chairperson of the board is always elected by an absolute majority of votes. If there are more than two candidates and no one receives more than half of the votes in the first round, a second round will be held between the top two candidates with the most votes from the first round. In the final vote, if there is a tie, the decision will be made by drawing lots. Other board members are elected by a simple majority of votes.


The board meets at the invitation of the chairperson or, in their absence, the vice-chairperson, whenever they deem it necessary or when at least half of the board members request it.


The board is quorate when at least half of its members are present, including the chairperson or vice chairperson. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the chairperson’s vote will decide, except in elections, where a draw will determine the outcome.


The association's financial and operational year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of the same year. The association's financial statements must be submitted to the auditor at least twenty-one (21) days before the annual general meeting. The auditors' report must be provided to the board at least fourteen (14) days before the annual general meeting.


The association's name is written by the chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer, or corporate relations officer, two members together.


A proposal to amend these rules must be approved in two consecutive meetings of the association, held at least fourteen (14) days apart. In the first meeting, the proposal must receive the support of a 3/4 majority of the votes cast, and in the second meeting, the proposal must be approved unchanged by a simple majority of the votes cast.


The association's meeting or board may designate teams and officers under the board for specific tasks. In this case, the term of office and authority of the team and officer must be specified.


Under the association operates the Preemio Heritage Council, whose task is to preserve the association's traditions and ensure the continuity of its activities. The operations of the council are regulated in more detail in the Code of Tradition.


Under the association, there operates Preemio's financial working group, whose purpose and task is to ensure the overall continuity of the association's finances and, if necessary, advise the sitting board in financial decision-making. The group's operations are further regulated in the financial regulations.


The board of the association can award meritorious members with badges of honor and other recognition, as detailed in the tradition guidelines. As specified in paragraph five of the rules, honorary members can also be invited to the association based on certain criteria. Any member of the association may propose an individual for honorary membership or for receiving a badge of honor to the board. Being named an honorary member is the highest form of recognition within the association.


The dissolution of the association must be decided in two association meetings held at least six (6) months apart. The decision must be supported by a 3/4 majority of the votes cast in both meetings.


If the association is dissolved, its assets will be donated to support the teaching of business studies at the University of Eastern Finland's Kuopio campus, in the manner decided by the meeting that decided on the dissolution.

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